श्रीमद्भागवतं नित्यमवोचद्भक्तमण्डले |
कर्णमञ्जुलया वाचा नानातत्वार्थयुक्त्या ||
हरिरायमुखाम्भोजनिःसृतं कृष्णकीर्तनम् |
आस्वाद्य परमं हर्षं लेभिरे कोटिशो नराः ||
शय्यागृहं प्रापयितुं श्रीनाथं तु दिने दिने |
कंबलास्तरणं भूमौ कुर्यादेषु विधिः परः ||
Daily he used to give discourses in the assembly of great bhagavatas and bhaktas. His lectures were marked by sweet words explaining the philosophical doctrines. Crores of people attained great joy drinking the nectar of Krishna kirtan flowing out of the lotus face of Shri Hariraya. Everyday when Shrinatha is taken to the bed chamber (Shayana Gruha) on a procession, an expensive carpet would be spread on the way.