नमस्तेस्तु महाभाग धन्यास्मि तव दर्शनात् |
तव सान्निध्यमात्रेण पावितं हृदयं मम ||
त्वमेवासि यशोदा च यशोदा च त्वमेव हि |
नास्त्येव युवयोर्भेदो युवां कृष्णस्य मातरौ ||
अविज्ञाय महायोगिंस्तव माहात्म्यमुत्तमम् |
अपचारं कृतवती तत्क्षमस्व दयानिधे ||
The princess said
Oh, the highly fortunate one! I bow to you. I am blessed by your darshan. Due to the glory of your sacred presence I have got purified. You are Devi Yashoda herself and Devi Yashoda is none other than you. Both of you are inseperable and there is no difference between you two. Both of you are the mothers of Shri Krishna. Oh, great yogi! I have committed a blunder, not knowing your magnificence. Please forgive me.