हरिराय उवाच
अभयं राजतनये कृष्णभक्तिः सदास्तु ते |
त्वं नूनं शुद्धचित्तासि यत्प्राप्तं कृष्णदर्शनम् ||
शुद्धात्मनामपि सतां क्वचित्कामः प्रवर्धते |
विजित्य मन्मथं शत्रुं जागरूको वसेत्ततः ||
Shri Hariraya said
Oh! Princess! Do not be afraid. I bless you with Krishna bhakti. You have a very pure heart and that is why you were able to gain Krishna darshan. Even good people with a pure heart are perturbed by impure desires at times. Hence one should always be vigilant against lust and conquer it.