Vaishnava Samhita. Purushottamadasa Charitam. Vol III Book VI Chp 24 Shlokas 7 - 8

अनुरूपामाप्तुकामो गृहिणीं स महीपतिः |
वव्रे कन्यां महासाध्वीं विद्यानगरभूपतेः ||
स राजा गर्वितः प्राह मार्जकायामयस्य तु |
वैष्णवानां सेवकाय नाहं दद्यां सुतामिति ||

The king came to know that the king of Vidhyanagar had an amicable daughter. He wanted to marry her and hence, sent word to her father. The king of Vidhyanagar was a man puffed with vanity. He insulted Purushottamadasa saying that he would not give his daughter to a man who is engaged in temple-cleaning.