Vaishnava Samhita. Purushottamadasa Charitam. Vol III Book VI Chp 24 Shlokas 9 - 13

तच्छ्रुत्वा कुपितो राजा चतुरङ्गबलान्वितः |
पुरुषोत्तमदेवस्तु श्रीविद्यानगरं ययौ ||
विजित्य समरे राजा श्रीविद्यानगराधिपम् |
स्ववीर्यं दर्शयामास सत्यधर्मपरायणः ||
प्रददौ कन्यां स्वयमेव महीपतिः |
पुरुषोत्तमदेवाय मालिनीं हेममालिनीम् ||
विलोक्य साक्षीगोपालं विद्यानगरवासिनम् |
भक्त्या स्वदेशमानस्तु प्रार्थयामास भूपतिः ||
पुरुषोत्तम देवस्य दृढया भक्तिनिष्ठया |
वशीकृतस्तु गोपालो जगन्नाथपुरीं ययौ ||     

King Purushottamadasa was provoked and hence invaded Vidhyanagar with a big army having the four wings of chariotry, elephantry, cavalry and infantry. The truthful and righteous king defeated the ruler of Vidhyanagar and thus proved his might. The ruler of Vidhyanagar was ashamed of himself and gave his daughter Malini in marriage to Purushottamadasa. Purushottamadasa beheld Lord SakshiGopala dwelling at Vidhyanagar and pleaded with Him to fo over to his kingdom. Lord Sakshi Gopala was overhwlmed with the bhakti of Purushottamadasa and reached Jagannath Puri