ममैवांशेन सञ्जातं शिशुमानय सांप्रतम् |
जीवन्तं विहरन्तञ्च शमीवृक्षस्य कोटरे ||
मा विषीद महाबुद्धे तव पुत्रो जगद्गुरुः |
संसारतापसन्तप्तं पालयिष्यति वै जगत् ||
तच्छ्रुत्वा मधुरं वाक्यं लक्ष्मणार्यो वनं गतः |
ददर्श पुत्रं जीवन्तं परितो वह्निमण्डले ||
शिशुमादाय सानन्दमागत्य ग्राममेव सः |
जातकर्मादिकं कृत्वा परमां प्रीतिमाप च ||
Shri Bhagavan said
Oh! Brahmana! Your son is not dead. But he is playing delightfully inside the hole in that Vahni tree. He is My partial incarnation. Go and bring that baby. Oh! Wise man! Your son will become a universal preceptor and lift ashore the people fallen into the mire of samsara.
Shri Sadguru continued
Listening to these sweet words of Bhagavan, Lakshmana Bhatta reached the forest and beheld that baby. In the midst of blazing fire, the baby was found alive. With all happiness he brought the baby to the village. He attained great joy performing the rituals like Jaatakarma.