नाम चक्रे स्वपुत्रस्य वैश्वानर इति द्विजः |
श्रीवल्लभ इति ख्यातिं प्राप कालान्तरे शिशुः ||
प्रशान्ते म्लेच्छकलहे काशीमेव पुनर्ययौ |
तत्रैव न्यवसत् पत्न्या पुत्रेण च सह द्विजः ||
वैश्वानरोपि ववृधे शुक्लपक्षशशाङ्कवत् |
आनन्दयन् दम्पती तौ लीलारसविवर्धनः ||
The brahmana named his son Vaishvanara. When the baby grew up, he became very famous in the name of Vallabhacharya. After the onslaught of the mlecchas was over, Lakshmana Bhatta returned to Kashi along with his wife and child, and settled there. This child Vaishnavanara grew up fast like the waxing moon, making his parents happy with his childhood pranks.