Vaishnava Samhita. Shridaswami Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 11 Shlokas 15 - 17

मधुरायां महामूर्खो दुराचारपरायणः |

सत्सङ्गविमुखो दुष्टः साधुनिन्दाकुतूहलः ||

श्रीदस्वामीति विख्यातः कश्चिदासीद्धनोन्मदः |

नास्तिको डाम्भिको लोभी लीलया पापकृत्सदा ||

कदाचिद्विट्ठलेशस्य प्रख्यातं पावनं यशः |

श्रुत्वाप्यसूयया मूर्खः प्राप कोपमकारणम् ||

In Madhura, there lived a famous man named 'Shridaswami'. He was wicked and ill mannered. He hated the association of the sadhus. He was a crook who took pleasure in despising the seers. He committed many sins. He was an atheist, interested in pomp and show, and proud of his riches. Once, heard of the wide-spread of Shri Vitthalanatha, and became very envious of him. For no genuine reason he became angry.