इत्युक्त्वा यवनः सोsपि प्रतस्थे यमुनावनम् |
विस्मृत्य रत्नपेटीं तां कृष्णदर्शनाकौतुकात् ||
उन्मत्तवन्महोत्साहः प्रधावन् यमुनावने |
अपृच्छन्निखिलान् भक्तान्नीलबालः क्व वर्तते ||
एवं ससंभ्रमं भक्तःप्रेमोन्मत्तो भ्रमन् वने |
अन्ते गोपर्धनं प्राप यत्र श्रीनाथमन्दिरम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Having spoken thus, Raskhan left for Shri Brindavan immediately. In his enthusiasm to have the darshan of Shri Krishnan, he even forgot to take his box of precious stones with him. He ran here and there in Shri Brindavan, like a mad man, in search of Shri Krishna inquiring all the bhaktas about that boy with a body resembling the fresh blue cloud. Thus, maddened with prema bhakti, Raskhan roamed about the forest. At last he reached the temple of Lord Shrinatha on top of Govardhana Hill.