Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 5 - 8
दृढविक्ष्वाससम्युक्ता लोकेस्मिन् लक्ष्यगामिनः |
विक्ष्वासरहिता मर्त्या लभन्ते दुःखमेव हि ||
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः सर्वथा फलदायिनी |
त्यक्त्वा चञ्चलबुद्धिं भजेत्सर्वात्मना हरिम् ||
उत्थाय मोहनिद्रया जागरूको भवेत्सदा |
विक्ष्वासेन वरान् प्राप्य जानीयात्सत्यमेव तत् ||
सर्वशक्तो भवेन्नूनमात्माविक्ष्वाससंयुतः |
अलसो नास्तिको लोके संशयेन विनश्यति ||
On this earth, only those who have firm belief march on towards their goal. Those who do not have faith end up in sorrow. A steady mind gets rewarded everywhere. Hence with an unwavering mind and determination, one should nurture Bhakti for Shri Hari. One should wake up from the slumber of ignorance, and should always be alert and vigilant; should get rewarded properly through firm belief and realism the truth in its real nurture. One who has self-confidence is certainly all powerful. On this earth, the lethargic atheist is spoiled by his own disbelief.