Vaishnava Samhita. Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 12

Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 12

आसीद्यवनवंशे तु लतीपो नाम वैष्णवः |

राधाकृष्णपदाम्भोजयुगलध्यानतत्परः ||

यदृच्छया चित्रपटे राधाकृष्णौ ददर्श सः |

पदाप्रभृति भक्तोsभूत्तसौन्दर्यवशीकृतः ||

दृढविक्ष्वाससम्युक्तः कृष्णसेवापरायणः |

सर्वसङ्गं परित्यज्य बृन्दावनमुपाययौ ||

क्रिश्नमाराधयन्नित्यं चित्ररूपेण संस्थितम् |

सन्ततं प्रेमभावेन चकार सुखजीवनम् ||

There was a great vaishnava named Latin, born in a muslim family. Contemplating on the holy lotus feet of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna, was the only abiding passion of his life. He happened to see a picture of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. Allured by their charm, he became a devotee of Shri Radhakrishna. Being a man of firm belief, he had the service of Shri Krishna as the only object of his life. Hence he cut off all his ties, and reached Shri Brindavan. Worshipping Shri Krishna in that picture, he led a peaceful life immersed in premature Bhakti always.