Shri Raheem Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 14 Shlokas 22 - 23
जना उचुः
यदृच्छयैव भगवन्नत्राप्यागमनं तव |
अविज्ञायापराधोsयमस्माभिः कलितो बत ||
क्षमस्व करुणासिन्धो पापमेतज्जडैः कृतम् |
ताडितोपि भवानेव किं तुष्यसि सतांवर ||
Oh! Master! As you came here unexpectedly we committed this mistake unawares. Oh, repository of compassion! Please forgive us all. Oh! noted sadhu! How could you remain so calm and unperturbed even when beaten by us like that ?