Vaishnava Samhita. Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 4 - 7

Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 4 - 7

परेण वञ्चितोप्येवं मोहितो द्यूतलीलया |

भार्याञ्च निक्षिपेन्नूनं यथा राजा युधिष्ठिरः ||

बुद्धिमान् शीलवान् धीरो बलवान् धनवानपि |

सर्वं त्यक्त्वा वनं गच्छेत् द्यूते राजा नलो यथा ||

कार्याकार्यं न जानाति द्यूतक्रीडाविमोहितः |

जघान रुक्मिणं रामो यथा बन्धुमपि स्वयम् ||

अत एव द्यूतलीलां नैव कुर्यात् कदाचन |

दारिद्र्योपि च संप्राप्ते विपन्नोपि दृढव्रतः ||

An ordinary man who is thus tempted and cheated by a gambler takes interest in gambling. He gets ready even to pledge his wife like the noble Dharmaputra. Despite being very intelligent, courageous, strong in gambling he loses everything. He may have to go in exile to the forest like emperor Nala. A gambler gets intoxicated and loses the discretion to distinguish between right and wrong. He resembles Balarama who thus killed his own relative Rukmi. Hence, whatever be the suffering caused by poverty, a determined person should never resort to gambling.