Pundarika Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 1 Shlokas 17 - 19
पुण्डरीक उवाच
स्वागतं ते महाभाग पाद्यं स्वीकुरु मे प्रभो |
पितृभक्तस्य मे देव कालक्षेपं क्षमस्व भोः ||
को भवानिह संप्राप्तः सह पत्न्याsनुकूलया |
मया कृतानां तपसां त्वां मन्ये फलमेव हि ||
किं कर्तव्यं मया स्वामिन् दीनेन ब्राह्मणेन च |
राजाधिराजसेव्यस्य सर्वलोलेक्ष्वरस्य ते ||
Pundarika said
Oh! Lord! You are welcome. Please accept this feet-wash. I made you wait as I had to attend on my parents. Please excuse me for the delay. You have come with an amicable and good wife. May I know who you are? I think all my meritorious deeds have come to fruition now. You seem to be the Lord of all worlds and worshipped by the emperors too. I am after all a poor brahmana. What can I do for you?