Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 20 - 24
कोराकुंभ उवाच
जातस्य तु शरीरस्य लोकेस्मिन् मरणं ध्रुवम् |
दुःखं मास्मगमो देवि विवेकाच्छान्तिमाप्नुहि ||
आवयोदृढ वैराग्यं प्रदातुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |
इमं पुत्रं स्वयं दत्वा जहार च कृपानिधिः ||
तमेव पुत्रं पितरं मातरं रक्षकं प्रभुम् |
स्मृत्वा त्वनन्यभावेन भजावः पण्डरीक्ष्वरम् |
महाभागः शिशुरयञ्चाव्यक्तकलभाषितैः |
कीर्तयन् विट्ठलं नित्यं तस्यैव चरणं ययौ ||
न मेस्ति तादृशी भक्तिः केवलं वेषधार्यहम् |
तस्माद्भ्रमामि संसारे ह्येवं दुःखसमाकुलः ||
Korakumbha said
Oh! Devi! All the creed bodies of this earth are mortals undoubtedly. Please pacify yourself with the help of reasoning. Shri Panduranga, the treasure-chest of mercy has decided to bless us with enlightenment. That is why He gave us a son earlier and now He has taken him back. So, hereafter we shall take Lord Panduranga Himself to be our son, our father, our mother, guardian and master and cultivate single-minded devotions for Him. This child was very fortunate. Daily he used to lisp in praise of Shri Vitthala and finally reached His holy feet. I do not have that deep a devotion to Him as this child has. Perhaps I pretend to have devotion. That is why I am facing such sorrows and am still roaming about this evil-ridden earth.