Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 25 - 29
प्रलपन्तं विलोक्यैवं भर्तारं सा पतिव्रता |
मृतं शिशुमुपादाय पाण्डुरङ्गमुपागता ||
निनिन्द पुत्रशोकेन पीडिता तुलसी हरिम् |
निघृणः पाण्डुरङ्गोयमिति भक्तापि सा तदा ||
तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा कोरकुंभो महामनाः |
तस्या जिह्वां छेत्तुकामः खड्गमादाय चाययौ ||
मां मा स्पृशेति सा भीता चकार शपथं सती |
तदाप्रभृति भार्यायास्त्वङ्गसङ्ग जहौ महान् ||
बहुधा चिन्तयामास पुत्रभाग्यविवर्जिता |
तुलसी दुःखिता नित्यं स्मरन्ती च मृतं सुतम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Seeing her husband lamenting like this, that chaste woman took the dead son in her hands and went to Shri Panduranga. At that time, Tulasibai though endowed with devotion was engulfed by the agony of the loss of her son. Hence she blamed Lord Panduranga to be heatless. When Korakumbha listened to this, he ran with a knife in hand to cut her tongue off. The frightened Tulasibai swore on Lord Panduranga and asked him not to touch her. From that day, he kept away from his wife, and never dared to touch her. Their only son had died. As they mutually maintained distance, there was no possibility of begetting another son. Tulasibai, the childless mother became sad and distressed.