Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 30 - 33

Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 30 - 33

कदाचिन्निशि सुप्तस्य करं भर्तुः स्वयं सती |

लालयामास सप्रेम स्वाधीनकरणेच्छया ||

प्रबुद्ध सहसा धीरः सत्यसन्धो दृढव्रतः |

पाणिं खड्गेण चिच्छेद स्पृष्टं दयितया निजम् ||

समदुःखसुखो धीरो विट्ठलध्यानतत्परः |

उवास स्वगृहे पत्न्या कोराकुंभो महामनाः ||

स्वमनोरथामप्राप्य तुलसी तु पतिव्रता |

यथाधिकारं चक्रे सा शुश्रूषां भर्तुरातुरा ||

Once, at midnight, she slowly touched her sleeping husband’s hand with all affection. She thought he would come into her fold. Korakumbha woke up. As he was firm about his vow, he took a sword and cut off his hand touched by his wife. The courageous Korakumbha who treated well and woe alike, spent his days in the dhyana of Lord Vitthala, along with his wife. Tulasi, the chaste woman did not hater her husband even when he desires remained unfulfilled. She was attending to him as best as she could.