Vaishnava Samhita: Namadeva Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 5 Shlokas 18 - 21

Namadeva Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 5 Shlokas 18 - 21

तदा तत्रैव भगवान् शुनो रूपं विहाय च |

स्वं रूपं दर्शयामास पन्दुरङ्गो दयानिधिः ||

नीलोत्पलदलश्यामं नीरजायतलोचनम् |

श्रीवत्सवक्षसं देवं श्रीमत्कौस्तुभकन्धरम् ||

दिव्यपीताम्बरधरं दीनरक्षणतत्परम् |

नितम्बन्यस्तपाणिञ्च नित्यानन्दमहोदधिम् ||

विलोक्य विट्ठलं देव प्रेमभक्तिरसाकुलः |

पप्रच्छ भक्तवर्योपि प्रणिपत्य कृताञ्जलिः ||

Then and there the merciful Lord Panduranga cast off the form of the dog and appeared in His true divine form. He was seen with a bluish black complexion like the flower Neelotpala. His eyes were beautiful like the lotus flowers. He had the Insignia of Shri on His broad chest. His neck was adorned with the koustubha gem. He was clad in gorgeous yellow silk. Seeing the resort of the poor, the ocean of mercy Shri Panduranga appear thus with His hands resting on His hips, Namadeva was excited. Torn with his perm Bhakti, he asked Him as follows.