Vaishnava Samhita: Nama Sankirtanam Vol III Book VIII Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 4

Nama Sankirtanam Vol III Book VIII Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 4


आलोक्य च कलेर्दोषं नृणां दौर्बल्यमेव च |

संप्रोक्तं मुनिभिः सर्वैः श्रीपतेर्नामकीर्तनम् ||

यत्र यत्र च तद्भक्ताः प्रेमभावेन सम्युताः |

कीर्तयन्ति हरिः साक्षात्तत्र तत्र विराजते ||

न योगेन न योगेन तपसा न व्रतादिभिः |

प्राप्नुवन्ति कलौ कृष्णं नामगानेन केवलम् ||

नामकीर्तनमाहात्म्यं कलिकल्मषनाशनम् |

प्रकाशयितुमेवैते ह्यवतीर्णा हरिप्रियाः ||

Shri Sadguru said

The seers have prescribed chanting of the Divine Names of Lord Hari, for the common people, having in mind the incapacity of them to perform other rituals and taking into account the blemishes of Kali. Lord Hari is present in all those places where His devotees do Nama kirtan with true loving devotion. In the Kaliyuga, it is not possible to attain Lord Hari with the means of yoga, yajna, penance or austerity. Only with the help of Nama kirtana it becomes possible. Great devotees, the beloved ones of Lord Hari, were born to spread the glory of Nama kirtan that eradicates all the ills of the Kaliyuga.