Nama Sankirtanam Vol III Book VIII Chp 7 Shlokas 5 - 8
जदचिद्देवदेवस्य पाण्डुरङ्गस्य सन्निधौ |
नामसङ्कीर्तनं चक्रुः सर्वे भागवत्तोतमः ||
मृदङ्गं वादयामास कबीर्दासो महामतिः |
हरिप्रिया जनादेवी वीणया मधुरं जगौ ||
प्रोचुर्जययेत्येव ज्ञानदेवादयस्तथा |
कोराकुंभः कांस्यतालं वादयामास सुस्वरम् ||
रागश्यालापनञ्चक्रे राजदेवी पतिव्रता |
मध्ये तिष्ठन्नामदेवो नामसङ्कीर्तनं तथा ||
One day all the bhaktas assembled in front of the sanctum of Lord Panduranga and engaged in Nama kirtan. Kabidasa, the great gnaw, played on the Mrindangam, Janabai, the devotee of Lord Hari, sang melodiously, accompanied by the Veena, on which she played simultaneously. Gnanadeva and others proclaimed loudly the praise of the Lord. Shri Korakumbha played the cymbals. The most chaste Rajayee melodiously started raga aalapana. Standing amidst all these devotees, Shri Namadeva sang the Divine Names of Lord Hari.