Shri Ekanatha Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 11 Shlokas 11 - 14
इत्य्क्त्वा दीनभावेन प्रपन्नम् विनयान्वितम् |
तं भिक्षुं सुन्दराकारं स्निग्धकण्ठन्ञ्च सद्गुणम् ||
आलोक्य प्रनयेनैव शिष्यवात्सल्यपूर्वकम् |
एकनाथो महात्मा च प्रददावभयं तदा ||
तदाप्रभृति सोप्येवं नित्यं गुरुकुले वसन् |
चकार सर्वं कैङ्कर्यं गुरुभक्तिंमतं वरः ||
गुरोः पूर्वं समुत्थाय सुप्रभाते दिने दिने |
स्नानसंध्यादिकं कृत्वा करोति हरिकीर्तनम् ||
स्नानार्थमेकनाथेपि गोदावर्यास्तटं गते |
करोति प्रेमपूर्वं तद्वस्त्रनिष्पीडनादिकम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Mahatma Ekanatha, with great affection for his disciple, gave refuge to him, who was very meek, was adorned with noble qualities, was very handsome, and was endowed with a sweet voice and had surrendered to him completely. From that day, the devoted boy used to live in the gurukula, and render all sorts of service to his preceptor. Daily, he would get up very early in the morning ahead of his guru. Completing his bath and morning rites, he would engage in Hari-bhajan. Whenever Shri Ekanatha went to Godavari for a few dips, he used to follow him there, wash the guru’s clothes and render different services to him.