Shri Ekanatha Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 11 Shlokas 15 - 19
स्नानार्थमेकनाथेपि गोद्दावर्यास्तटं गते |
करोति प्रेमपूर्वं तद्वस्त्रनिष्पीडनादिकम् ||
जलमादाय कुंभेषु गुरुपत्न्यै ददाति च |
पूजायै पुष्पकैङ्कर्यं भक्तिपूर्वं करोति सः ||
धूपं दीपञ्च नैवेद्यं स्वयमेव ददाति च |
स्तोत्रमेवं विट्ठलस्य करोति गुरुणा सह ||
अवशिष्टं तथा भुङ्क्ते भोजनानन्तरं गुरोः |
तस्यैवानुज्ञया नित्यं प्राणरक्षार्थमेव हि ||
कीर्तितानेकबाथेन ग्रन्थान् विलिखति स्वयम् |
नित्यं पठति सानन्दं व्यक्तं तस्यैव सन्निधौ ||
Whenever Shri Ekanatha went to Godvari for a holy dip, he used to follow him there, wash the guru’s clothes and render different services to him. Also, he would fetch pots of water to help the wife of the guru. He would also gather fresh flowers for the Pooja of the Lord. He would assist the guru in Pooja by handling over to him the doopa (the incense) etc, in due time in the course of the Pooja. He would recite the holy chantings along with the guru. Daily he used to eat the prasadam of the guru, with his permission. He used to eat after the guru had finished, only that little which was indispensable to keep him alive. He used to write down neatly all the works authored by Shri Ekanatha. With great enthusiasm, he would read them very eloquently in the presence of the guru.