Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 6 - 10
समीपे पण्डरीपुर्याः कस्मिंक्ष्चिन्नगरे पुरा |
कक्ष्चिदासीद् ब्राह्मणस्तु कृष्णशर्मेति विश्रुतः |
कदर्यो धनिको मूर्खः कामी परमकोपनः |
स्वप्ने कृत्वाप्यन्नदानमुपवासपरो हि सः ||
तस्य पत्नी महासाध्वी सखीदेवीति विश्रुता |
प्रेमभावेन सम्युक्ता बाल्यात्प्रभृति विट्ठले ||
औदार्यगुणसंयुक्ता सर्वाजीवदयापरा |
सच्चरित्रेण सम्युक्ता पतिसेवापरायणा ||
क्वचिद्ध्यायति गोविन्दं क्वचिन्नृत्यति गायति |
क्वचिद्रोदिति सा देवी क्वचिद्धसति नन्दति ||
There was a brahmana named Krishna Sharma in a place near Pandharipuram. He was a very rich yet stingy man. He was lustful and had a very hot temperament. He was so miserly that he would starve the next day if he had a dream of gifting food to others this day. His wife was named Sakkubai (Sakhidevi). She was having a very good conduct. She was generous, philanthropic and compassionate. From her childhood she had developed deep premature Bhakti towards Lord Vitthala. She was always engaged in serving Shri Krishna. Sometimes she would engage in meditating upon Shri Govinda, sometimes she would sing in praise of Him. At times she would dance, laugh, cry or feel happy incessantly thinking about Him.