Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 11 - 13
सखीदेव्याः प्रेमभावं पाण्डुरङ्गे विलोक्य सः |
तद्रहस्यमविज्ञाय तां मेने ग्रहपीडिताम् ||
तथा क्ष्वश्रू: क्रूरचित्ता नानाभर्त्सनताडनैः |
गृहकृत्यं शिक्षयन्ती चक्रे हिंसा दिने दिने ||
सा दोहनेsवहनने लेपने शोधनेपि च |
विट्ठलं चिन्तयामास पचने परिवेषणे ||
सा कदाचित्सखीदेवी सलिलानयनाय तु |
ययौ तटाकं सानन्दं स्मरन्ती विट्ठलं प्रभुम् ||
Watching this peculiar behavior, Krishna Sharma thought she was under the spell of some evil spirit. He did not realize the fact that Sakkubai had such a deep devotion to Shri Panduranga. Her mother-in-law also had the same idea. She was torturing Sakkubai compelling her to do a lot of work at home daily. She used to scold her and beat her badly. But Sakkubai was unintermittently thinking of Shri Panduranga even while she was engaged in different jobs like milking the cow, removing the hay from the corn, sweeping the floor, cleaning the house, cooking and serving food to the family members.