Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 1 - 6

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 1 - 6


यथा सूर्योदयेनैव तमो गाढं विनश्यति |

तथा गुरोः प्रसादेन मायामोहो विनश्यति ||

यथा चन्द्रोदयेनैव लोके तापो विनश्यति |

तथा संसारतापक्ष्च शाम्यत्याचार्यसन्निधौ ||

क्षुधितानां यथान्नञ्च तृषितानां यथामृतम् |

तथा संसारिणां लोके सद्गुरोर्वचनं परम् ||

गुरोरनुग्रहेणैव ज्ञानं निःसंशयं भवेत् |

नानाशास्त्रविचारस्तु किं वृथा क्रियते नरैः ||

सदाचार्यं समाश्रित्य दास्यं कुर्याद्दिने दिने |

गुह्याद्गुह्यातरं ज्ञानं स्वयमेव प्रकाशते ||

क्षीरपानं विना वत्सः सस्यञ्च सलिलं विना |

न जीवति यथा नूनं तथा शिष्यो गुरुं विना ||

Darkness is dispelled by the rising sun and so is Maya removed by the will and grace of the guru. All heat and longing of the earth at the rise of the moon with its cool rays, and so does the heat of the worldly worries, at the altar of the sad guru. Only food can console the hungry men. Water is the only solace to the thirsty persons. In the same way only the preachings of the sad guru bring peace to the people engaged in mundane life on this earth. People engage themselves in the study and discussion of Shastras unnecessarily. Unquestionable and doubt-free wisdom can be attained only with the help of the sad guru through his teachings. If the person reaches the sad guru and serves him daily, he secures unattainable wisdom automatically. The calf cannot live without the milk of its mother. The plant cannot survive in the absence of rain. Similarly a disciple cannot survive devoid of the guru.