Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 7 - 10
एवं विचार्य बहुधा कबीर्दासो महामतिः |
इयेष सहसा प्राप्तुमात्मनः सदृशं गुरुम् ||
यथा साक्षादीक्ष्वरोsपि कृष्णः सान्दीपनिङ्गतः |
गर्भश्रीमान् स्वयं ज्ञानी रामानन्दमुपाययौ ||
तमेव यवनं मत्वा तत्रत्या वैदिका जनाः |
न्यषेधंक्ष्च मठद्वारे नानापुरुषभाषणैः ||
तथापि दूरतो विप्रान् प्रणम्य विहितान्च्जलिः |
प्रार्थयामास साकाङ्ग्क्षं कबीर्दासक्ष्च भक्तिमान् ||
Thinking on these lines, the enlightened Kabirdasa went in search of a suitable guru. On his own accord, Kabirdasa, the born genius and mahatma, reached Ramananda as Lord Shri Krishna approached Sandeepani. Considering him to be an ordinary muslim, the people near the hermitage of Shri Ramananda scolded him and prevented him from entering in. Even then the bhakta, Kabir, pleaded to them and with folded hands, requested them to help him.