Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 11 - 14
कबीर्दास उवाच
भेदभावं विसृज्यैव यथा सूर्यः प्रकाशते |
तथा हि साधवो लोके समं कुर्वन्त्यनुग्रहम् ||
म्लेच्छोप्यहं रामभक्तो रामानन्दस्य दर्शनम् |
कर्तुमिच्छामि सोत्कण्ठं मार्गं त्यजत वैदिकाः ||
ब्राह्मणा उचुः
स्वधर्मं पालय म्लेच्छ मलेच्चाचार्यमुपाश्रितः |
संप्राप्तुं वैष्णवीं दीक्षां नार्हसि त्वं सुदुर्मते ||
रामानन्दो महात्मा क्व क्वासि त्वं यबनोद्भवः |
युवयोः सङ्गमो नूनं तमोभास्करसङ्गमः ||
Kabirdasa said
Like the sun who throws light on all, without discrimination of any sort, the ascetics shower mercy on all the people of the world equally. Oh! Learned Brahmanas! Through a muslim, I am a devotee of Lord Shri Rama. I am desirous of having the darshan of Shri Ramananda. Please allow me in.
The Brahmanas said
Oh! Wicked muslim! Select a guru suitable to you and lead a life as envisaged by your religion. You are not fit to learn the vaishnava teaching and become a vaishnava. How great is mahatma Ramananda and how low you, a muslim, are! Darkness and light cannot go hand in hand. You two cannot join together. That is quite certain and leave this place.