Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 13 - 20

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 13 - 20

तं दृष्ट्वा धनिकः कक्ष्चिच्छिष्यभावमुपेत्य च |

प्रपेदे शरणं तस्य चरणौ लोकपावनौ ||

कृपयैव कमालोsपि तस्मै सद्गुणशालिने |

ददौ तारकमन्त्रं तु सर्वमङ्गलदायकम् ||

सोपि संप्राप्तकामस्तु महार्घं रत्नमुत्तमम् |

कमालाय ददौ प्रेम्णा गुरुभक्त्याsमलाषयः ||

तन्न जग्राह धीरोsयं कबीर्दासात्मजो महान् |

पुन पुनः पप्रार्थितोsपि विरक्तो धनिकेन सः ||

तथापि धनिकः सोsयं कमालस्य महात्मनः |

सञ्चिकायां निचिक्षेप रहसि प्रेमपूरवकम् ||

निक्षिप्तं तदविज्ञाय कमालो गृहमागतः |

ददर्श सञ्चिकायां तद्रत्नं वैराग्यसंयुतः ||

सर्वं विज्ञापयामास कबीरस्य महात्मने |

रत्नञ्च दर्शयामास निक्षिप्तं धनिकेन तत् ||

सहसा कुपितो योगी कबीर्दासो महामतिः |

उवाच पुत्रं खेदेन बद्धाञ्जलिमुपस्थितम् ||

A rich man approached him and became his disciple. He surrendered to Kamaal’s holy feet that purge the earth of sins. Showering mercy on that virtuous man, Kamaal taught him the Taraka Mantra, which bestows all good and happiness on all. As his desire was fulfilled, the rich man honored Kamaal, his guru, presenting him with a very valuable gem as a token of his love and dedication to him. in spite of the repeated requests of the rich man, mahatma Kamaal, the brave son of Kabir did not accept it as he was disinterested in wealth. However, the affectionate and devoted rich man put that gem into the box of Kamaal secretly. Unaware of that, Kamaal came home. To his dismay he found that gem in his box. he narrated all that had happened, to mahatma Kabir. He showed Kabir the gem kept in his box by that rich man. At that instant, looking at his sad son standing with folded hands, the wise, yogi Kabir said the following.