Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 21 - 25

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 21 - 25

कबीर्दास उवाच

बहिर्गच्छ गृहात्तूर्णं त्वया पापं कृतं महत् |

न त्वं पुत्रः पिता नाहं त्वां तु धिक्कुलपांसनम् ||

मम प्रानधनं ह्येतद्रामनाम सुमङ्गलम् |

तद्विक्रीय च निर्लज्जः किमत्रागतवानसि ||

न वैष्णवो न भक्तोसि न साधुरसि दुर्मते |

विक्ष्वद्रोही मम द्रोही रामद्रोही त्वमेव हि ||


अपापलेशं सत्पुत्रं विरक्तं वैष्णवोत्तमम् |

तिरस्कृत्य कबीरेण गुरुणा धिक्कृतोsप्ययम् |

न तत्याज क्षमां धीमान् विज्ञाय हृदयं पितुः ||

Kabirdasa said

Get out of the house. You have committed a great sin. I do not consider you to be my son. I am not your father too. I have disowned you as you seem to be born to mar the reputation of our family. Why have you come here shamelessly after selling the Divine Name of Shri Rama, the life-giving gem of mine? Oh, wicked one! You are not a vaishnava, you are not a bhakta;n nor are you a sadhu. You are a traitor in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Shri Rama and mine.

Shri Sadguru said

Thus abandoning that a good son Kamaal, who was feeling very sad. Even when he was deserted by the mahatma, his guru Kabirdasa, the wise Kamaal could understand his heart and hence remained patient.