Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 6 - 7
आसीत्तुलसिदासाख्यो महात्मा लोकपावनः |
आजन्मवैष्णववो ज्ञानी विरक्तो विमलाशयः ||
दृढभक्तः प्रशान्तात्मा राघवध्यानतत्परः ||
स्वधर्मनिष्ठो योगीन्द्रः सर्वशास्त्रपण्डितः ||
There was an exalted personality called Tulasidasa, who was a born gnaw capable of purifying the entire world. He was a great yogi, and was very firm in following his dharma. He was an adept in all Shastras and had Rama dhyana as the only object of his life. He was very calm, wise and dispassionate. He had very firm devotion and a pious heart.