Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 8 - 13

Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 8 - 13

देशान्तरं गते तस्मिन् तस्य भार्या पतिव्रता |

आनीता केनाचिद्रत्रौ जगाम स्वपतिर्ग्रुहम् ||

तस्मिन्नेव दिने गेहमागतो महतां वरः |

पितृगृहे गतां पत्नीं विवेद सह केनचित् ||

रावणेन यथा सीता तथा पत्नी ममापि च |

केनचिद्वञ्चिता नूनमिति चिन्तातुरोsभवत् ||

सद्य एव महात्माsयं मनोवेगप्रचोदितः |

तामेवानुजगामाशु मार्गेपि तमसाकुले ||

कृच्छ्रादपि गृहं प्राप क्ष्वशुरस्य महामतिः |

तत्र दृष्ट्वा तथा भार्यां परमं हर्शमाप सः ||

बहुश्रमेण संयुक्तं भर्तारं वीक्ष्य लज्जिता |

पप्रच्छ प्रीतिभावेन गद्गदाकुलभाषणा ||

Once when he had gone to a distant place, at the call of a stranger, his innocent and chaste wife had left her mother’s house. Tulasidasa, who reached home the same day, learnt that his wife had gone to her mother’s place along with a stranger. Tulasidasa became very anxious, and sad, thinking that his wife had been deceived by some unknown person, like Devi Sita, who was abducted by Ravana. Immediately, the mahatma went after her, traveling very fast on the dark path. With great difficulty, he reached his father-in-law’s house. Finding his wife there, he became very happy. His wife, felt shy of looking at him who had arrived facing all difficulties. She talked to him with a voice softened with love.