Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 20 - 26

Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 20 - 26


पतिव्रता परगृहं न गच्छेन्न वसत्तथा |

पुमांसमन्यं तत्रापि न पश्येन्न वदेत्तथा ||

ममेदं वनमागत्य वसन्नत्रापि वैष्णव |

पश्यन् मां प्रवदंक्ष्चापि मयैवं किं न लज्जसे ||

सौन्दर्यं मे वर्णयसि मां पश्यसि पुनः पुनः |

जानासि मद्गतं चित्तं पातिव्रत्यं प्रशंससि ||

एवं हि शिवभक्ताक्ष्च विष्णुभक्तास्तथापरे |

मयैव वञ्चिताः सन्ति रूपमाधुर्यचेष्टितैः ||

स्वभावो हि ममायं तु हृदयाकर्षणं परम् |

अतो वदन्ति मे भक्ताः जारं मां पुरुषोत्तमम् ||

बहवो रामभक्ताक्ष्च पातिव्रत्यप्रशंसकः |

मयैव मोहिताः सन्ति दृढनिष्ठो यथा भवान् ||

किं वृथा वार्तया भक्त तद्गतं गतमेव हि |

भज मां जारभावेन कामये तवामहर्निशम् ||

Shri Bhagavan replied

A chaste woman should not enter into another man’s house. Even if she happens to go, she should not stay there. Supposing she has to stay, she should not look at that man. If she happens to look at him, she should not look at that man. If she happens to look at him, she should not, on any account, talk to him. Oh! Vaishnava! You voluntarily came to My abode, Shri Brindavan; you stayed here; you saw Me and also talked to Me. Are you ashamed (to compare yourself to a chaste woman)? You describe My beauty; you look at Me again and again. You have learnt that you have given your heart to Me. Shamelessly you are trumpeting the glory of your chastity (viz your Rama Bhakti). Very many devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu have thus got deceived by Me. I have enchanted them with My beauty, sweetness and Leela. To attract people is My nature. Hence, My devotees call Me the Purushottama, Jarachora Shikhamani (one who unlawfully attracts men’s wives). (In this context, the Lord, who attracts the devotees of other deities to Himself.) Many unshaken devotees of Lord Shri Rama who were proud of their chastity in devotion, have also been attracted by Me, like this. Oh! Bhakta! Now leave it. What is the use of arguing now? Sing in praise of Me, unnoticed by Lord Shri Rama. I shall love you at all times.