Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 27 - 29
श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच
रामभक्ताग्रगण्योsहमिति स्मृत्वाsस्मि गर्वितः |
क्षमस्व करुणासिन्धो कृपया पाहि मे व्रतम् ||
जानामि निर्मलं चित्तं त्वयैवापहृतं प्रभो |
तथापि वाचं कायञ्च त्यज रामाय केशव ||
अनुषोचामि तं स्मृत्वा धर्मात्मानञ्च सुव्रतम् |
एकान्तनिष्ठया नित्यं बाल्यात्प्रभृति पूजितम् ||
Tulasidasa said
Oh! Ocean of compassion! I was proud of myself thinking that I was at the head of all Rama bhaktas. Please forgive me. Please gracefully save my chastity. I know very well that my pious heart has been stolen by you. At least allow me to preserve my tongue and my body for the sake of Shri Rama. (Please do not compel me to sing in praise of You). I feel very sorry at the very thought of Lord Shri Rama, the Noble One and the dwelling place of dharma, whom I have worshipped from my childhood.