Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 43 - 47

Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 43 - 47


इत्युक्त्वा प्ररुदन्तं तं बद्धाञ्जलिमुपस्थितम् |

भक्तश्रेष्ठं कृपासिन्धुं सान्त्वयामास माधवः ||

कृष्णेन रूपसौन्दर्याद्धर्षितोपि दृढव्रतः |

महात्मा तुलसीदासो दृढया भक्तनिष्ठया ||

मोहयन्नन्दबालं तमच्युतं ब्रह्ममोहनम् |

इष्टस्य रामरूपस्य लेभे दर्शनमुत्तमम् ||

एवं भक्तवशः कृष्णो भावग्राही दयानिधिः |

प्रेमभावं पूजयति भक्तानां हृदयस्थितम् ||

न बुद्धिमोहं जनयेद्भक्तानां दृढचेतसाम् |

सर्वे पूर्णावतारा हि पूर्णस्य परमात्मनः ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, Tulasidasa, the great bhakta, folded his hands, in prayer, and shed tears. Lord Madhava, the ocean of mercy, consoled him. Mahatma Tulasidasa was so strong in his devotion to Lord Shri Rama that he was not shaken by the exquisite form of Lord Krishna, Lord Nandalala, who had enchanted even Shri Brahma. Instead, Tulasidasa had enchanted the Lordwith his deep devotion and compelled Him to appear in the form of Lord Rama, his beloved. Lord Krishna, the treasure-chest of mercy submits Himself the wishes of His devotees. He showers mercy upon them, understanding their hearts fully. He always appreciates and values their love and devotion. The unflinching devotion should never get confused and perplexed. All incarnations of the Perfect and Supreme Being are perfect in themselves.

Thus ends Chapter Ten entitled ‘Tulasidasa Charitam I’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal