Tulasidasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 11 Shlokas 1 - 5
प्रणयेन विशुद्धेन द्रवीभूतेन चेतसा |
हरिः प्रीणाति भगवान्नेतरैर्घोरसाधनैः |
कृत्वा शिरश्च्छेदमपि राक्षसा रावणादयः |
यथा रुद्रं वशञ्चकुस्तथा कोपि न केशवम् ||
एवं कुयुक्तिमार्गेण घोरेण तपसापि वा |
आत्माहानिर्भवत्येव न नूनं लभ्यते हरिः ||
यस्य चित्तं द्रवीभूतं तत्पादाब्जदिदृक्षया |
तस्यैव सुलभो विष्णुर्भगवान् भक्तवत्सलः ||
वामाचारादिमार्गेण तथा घोरेण कर्मणा |
हरिर्न लभ्यते नूनं प्रणयेनैव केवलम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Shri Bhagavan gets pleased only with pious love and dedication and not by other severe sadhanas. Ravana and other asuras brought Shri Rudra under their control by performing home, wherein they offered their cut heads. No one has ever attained Lord Krishna by such means. Such false ways and severe dreaded penance result only in harming one’s own aatma. Lord Hari is never attained by them. Lord Shri Vishnu, Shri Bhagavan, the Bhaktavatsala is very easily accessible only to a man whose heart is torn by the desire to reach His lotus feet. Lord Hari never remains available to those who follow the path of Vamachara (the dark deeds) and other dreadful rituals. He is available only to a devotee whose heart is full of love for Him.