Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 11 Shlokas 6 - 11

Tulasidasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 11 Shlokas 6 - 11

अक्बरो म्लेच्छराजस्तु कीर्तितं गायकोत्तमैः |

श्रुत्वा तुलसीदासस्य माहात्म्यं मुदितोsभवत् ||

उपेक्षया वर्तमानं सभायामपि भूपतेः |

आनिनाय बलादेव विरक्तं वैष्णावोत्तमम् ||

श्रद्धया पूजयामास यथाविधि महीपतिः |

भक्त्या तुलसिदासं तु केवलं गानलोलुपः ||

अङ्गीचकार तां पूजां विरक्तोपि च वैष्णवः |

केवलं राजतृप्त्यर्थं रामध्यानपरायणः ||

रात्रौ सङ्कीर्तनं चक्रे सभायां वैष्णवोत्तमः |

आकर्ण्य राजराजेन्द्रः परमं विस्मयङ्गतः ||

विविक्ततस्थानमानीय तुलसीदासमादरात् |

पप्रच्छ म्लेच्छराजेन्द्रो रहस्यं परमं बत ||

The moral emperor Akbar was very much pleased with the glory and fame of Tulasidasa, sung by notable singers. Once he brought by compulsion, to the court the renowned vaishnavottama, Tulasidasa, who was not interested in visiting his royal courts. The king wanted to listen to his music with great devotion and sincerity. First, he welcomed and paid respects to Tulasidasa systematically. Though Tulasidasa, the vaishnava who was free from worldly attachment, had Rama-dhyana as the only aim of his life, he accepted the Pooja just to satisfy the king. The vaishnavaottama gave a concert in the royal court that night. The emperor greatly relished the music. With great regard, Akbar took Tulasidasa to a solitary place and asked him to disclose a secret to him.