Tulasidasa Charitam V Vol III Book IX Chp 13 Shlokas 17 - 18
तस्कर उवाच
भगवन् धनलेभेन पापबुद्धिसमन्वितः |
तावकं धनमादाय गृहं गच्छामि सत्वरम् ||
अग्रे दृष्ट्वा महावीरौ द्वारपौ खड्गधारिणौ |
अत्र तिष्ठामि भीतोsहं मां क्षमस्व कृपानिधे ||
The thief said
Oh! Bhagavan! Wicked and greedy as I am, I want to rush home collecting all your wealth. But I am prevented from doing it, by the dreadful sight of the two brave watchmen out there with swords. Please pardon me.