Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam V Vol III Book IX Chp 13 Shlokas 11 - 16
कदाचित्तसकारः कक्ष्चिदागत्या मठमीदृशम् |
धनधान्यसमृद्धिञ्च दृष्ट्वा लेभे स्पृहां खलः ||
अर्धरात्रे स पापात्मा प्रवृत्ते नामकीर्तने |
धनं धान्यं हरन् क्षिप्रं बहिर्द्वारं दधाव च ||
तदा तत्रैव तिष्ठन्तौ सायुधौ द्वारपालकौ |
विलोक्य सभयं तूष्णीमासीच्हिन्ताकुलो भृशम् ||
पुनः पुनः समागत्य दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा च तौ तथा |
न शशाक बहिर्गन्तुं चोरो भीतिसमाकुलः ||
तावच्छ्रीतुलसीदासो नामकीर्तनमाचरन् |
आजगाम क्रुपासिन्धुर्महात्मा दीनवत्सलः ||
तं दृष्ट्वा तुलसीदासं भीतभीतस्तु तस्करः |
प्रणम्य शिरसा सद्यः प्राह दीनः कृताञ्जलिः ||
Once a thief came to the math. He was enticed by the wealth and prosperity of the math. At midnight, when Nama kirtan, was going on, the thief gathered bags of grains and lots of money and started to rush out of the math. But he was astounded to see two armed soldiers standing there in vigilance. The thief tried again and again. But he was not able to go out of the math as he was threatened by the sight of the soldiers. Meanwhile, the merciful Tulasidasa, who had great love for the poor, came there chanting the Name of Shri Rama. The thief was rightened to see Tulasidasa. Immediately with folded hands, he started pleading.