Tulasidasa Charitam V Vol III Book IX Chp 13 Shlokas 24 - 31
तस्कर उवाच
भवान् भागवतश्रेष्ठः कामक्रोधविवर्जितः |
चोरं मां भ्रातृवत्प्रेम्णा पश्यति ब्राह्मणोत्तम ||
तवैव दर्शनादद्य प्राप्तोस्मि नवजीवनम् |
रामनामधनं देहि किमनेन धनेन मे ||
इत्युक्त्वा तस्करक्ष्चापि तुलसीदासपादयोः |
निपत्य प्रेमभावेन रुरोद विहिताञ्जलिः ||
तदा तस्यैव शिरसि निधाय करपङ्कजम् |
प्रददौ तारकं मन्त्रं तस्य कर्णे महामनाः ||
तदाप्रभृति वैष्णवत्वमवाप्य च |
तत्रैव न्यवसत्प्रेम्णा नित्यं कैङ्कर्यमाचरन् ||
एवामत्यन्तदुष्टञ्च प्रेम्णैवामलमानसाः |
समुद्धृत्याभिरक्षन्ति सदा भागवतोत्तमाः ||
पापबुद्ध्यापि ये सङ्गं कुर्वन्ति हि महात्मनाम् |
आत्मशुद्धिं प्राप्नुवन्ति तत्क्षणादेव ते खलाः ||
तस्करेष्वपि दुष्टेषु कृपां कुर्वन्ति वैष्णवाः |
ममतां नैव कुर्वन्ति स्वार्जितेषु धनेष्वपि ||
The thief said
You a great bhagavata devoid of lust and anger. Oh, exponent of the Vedas! With great affection, you are considering me, a thief , as your brother. I have taken a new birth due to your darshan. Please bless me with the wealth of Rama Nama. What help will this earthly wealth render me?
Shri Sadguru continued
Having spoken thus, the thief fell at the feet of Shri Tulasidasa and wept, out of love and devotion. The benevolent Tulasidasa put his hand on his head, and blessed him, and secretly taught him the holy Taraka Mantra. From that day, the thief, who had become a true vaishnava, stayed in the math and served Tulasidasa and the other sadhus. The pious bhagavatas always save even the most wicked persons, correcting their evil traits. Men get surges of wickedness the moment they come into contact with sadhus even though their aims are bad. The vaishnavas shower mercy upon thieves and wicked ones. They do not have any attachment even to the wealth they have learnt with efforts.
Thus ends Chapter Thirteen entitled ‘Shri Tulasidasa Charitam V’ of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal