Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 14

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 9 - 14

स कदाचित्तीर्थयात्रां कुर्वन् साधुजनैः सह |

रामभद्रकृतावासं भद्राचलमुपाययौ ||

गोदावरीतटे तत्र नानावृक्षसमाकुले |

पतत्रिबृन्दसंयुक्ते पशुवर्गगणावृते ||

शाद्वलश्यामले रम्ये नयनानन्दवर्धने |

मन्दमारुतसंसेव्ये नानापुष्पसुगन्धिते ||

क्वचिद्विटपिनो मूले नामकीर्तनतत्परम् |

पितृभ्यां रहितं बालं कृशाङ्गं कृपणं तथा ||

पटच्चरपरीधानमन्धकं सुन्दराननम् |

ददर्श करुणासिन्धुरग्रदासो यादृच्छया ||

तं विलोक्यार्भकं दीनं नेत्रहीनं कृपानिधि |

पप्रच्छ प्रेमवात्स्लयपूर्णेन वचनेन च ||

अग्रदास उवाच

कस्त्वं बालक किञ्चात्र निषीदसि किमिच्छसि |

क्व ते माता पिता बन्धुः किं ते नाम क्व ते गृहम् ||

Once, he started on a pilgrimage, accompanied by holy men. He reached Bhadrachalam, the abode of Shri Ramachandra. He reached the back of the river Godavari, which had an exhilarating atmosphere. There was spread the sweet fragrance of a variety of flowers. Cool breeze was blowing. There was very cool and green grass all around. It was inhabited by innumerable birds and animals. A large number of trees adorned the river bank. There, the compassionate Agradasa unexpectedly saw a small boy sitting under a tree and engaged in chanting the Divine Name. He was blind, very lean, clad in rags, and had a handsome face. He had lost his parents. Looking at that poor, blind child, Agradasa, the store house of mercy raised the following questions out of parental affection.