Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 15 - 18
अग्रदास उवाच
कस्त्वं बालक किञ्चात्र निषीदसि किमिच्छसि |
क्व ते माता पिता बन्धुः किं ते नाम क्व ते गृहम् ||
बालक उवाच
न मे माता न मे तातो न मे बन्धुर्न मे गृहम् |
नित्यं भिक्षामटन्नत्र करोमि प्राणधारणम् ||
कर्तुं भिक्षाटनं नित्यं कीर्तितं रामनाम तु |
न जहाति च मे जिह्वां जाग्रत्स्वप्नसुषुप्तिषु ||
एतदेव हि मे रत्नमेतदेव हि मे धनम् |
एतदेव परं सौख्यमेतदेव हि जीवनम् ||
Agradasa asked
Oh, my child! Who are you? What is your name? Why are you sitting here? What do you want? Where are your parents, and relatives? Where is your home?
The child replied
My parents are not alive. I have no relatives. I have no home. I earn my livelihood daily by seeking alms in this place. The Divine Name of Shri Rama I sang daily at the time of begging, has, in due course become an inseparable part of my life. It never slips out of my tongue, asleep or awake I am. This Rama Nama is my most precious jewel. This is my wealth. This is my life. This is the greatest bliss I seek.