Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 19 - 22
अग्रदास उवाच
नेत्रहिनोपि दीनोपि पितृभ्यां वर्जितोपि च |
न शोचसि महाभागं रामनाम प्रकीर्तियन् ||
वरं ददामि ते बाल सिद्धोहं नामाकीर्तनात् |
यदृच्छयाssगतोस्म्यत्र तव भाग्यविशेषतः ||
बालक उवाच
यदीच्छसि वरं दातुं साधुश्रेष्ठ कृपानिधे |
रामभक्तिं दृढामेव देहि मे जन्मजन्मनि ||
हीनदृष्टिमिहात्मानं न शोचामि सतां वर |
रामतत्वविवेकाय ज्ञानदृष्टिं प्रयच्छ मे ||
Agradasa said
Though you are blind, poor and parentless you are engaged in chanting Rama Nama without any worries. You are very fortunate. My child! With the help of Nama kirtan, I have attained self-realization. I shall give you any boon you require. You are very fortunate to have me here unexpectedly.
The child said
Oh! Illustrious sadhu! Repository of compassion! If you wish to give me any boon, please bless me with unflinching devotion to Lord Rama in every birth. Oh! The greatest of the sadhus! I am not sorry that I am blind. Please give light to my inner eye so that I can understand the philosophy inlaid in Rama Nama.