Mama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5
यं यं भावमुपाश्रित्य भजते दृढनिष्ठया |
तेन तेनैव भावेन भगवान् संप्रसीदति ||
भावाती तोपि भगवान् भक्तभावकुतूहलः |
भावुकेषु प्रेमिकेषु करोति प्रीतिमच्युतः ||
तस्मात्सर्वावस्वभावेन भजन् सीतापतिं प्रभुम् |
परमानन्दमाप्नोति प्रभञ्च्जनसुतो यथा ||
कौसल्यायाक्ष्च पुत्रत्वं मित्रत्वञ्च रुमापतेः |
जानक्याः प्रानकान्तत्वं प्राप देवः सनातनः ||
एवं सनातने देवे सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहे |
नानाविधं प्रेमभावं कुर्वन्ति रसिका जनाः ||
Shri Sadguru Said
Shri Bhagavan blesses the devotees according to the emotions expressed in cultivating devotion to Him. Though Shri Bhagavan is beyond thoughts, He revels in the feelings and emotions of the bhaktas, and reciprocates the intense love and devotion of the prima bhaktas. Hence in all possible ways, we should develop strong devotion to Lord Sitapati as Shri Hanuman did and thus attain untold bliss. The immortal Supreme Being, Shri Rama manifested Himself as the child of Kausalya, as the friend of Sugriva, and the dear Lord of Devi Sita. The enthusiastic devotees develop serene prima Bhakti towards the imperishable Supreme Being, the very embodiment of truth, wisdom, and eternal bliss.