Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 11

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 11

मिथिलायां कक्ष्चिदासीद्बालकः पञ्चहायनः |

पितृभ्यां वर्जितो दीनः पितामह्या समेधितः ||

मामाप्रयागदासाख्यो महनीयगुणान्वितः |

मुग्धभावेन संयुक्तो मुदितामलमानसः ||

न तस्य माता च पिता भ्राता च भगिनी तथा |

पितामहीमुपाश्रित्य व्रुद्धां स ववृधे शिशुः ||

वयस्यैः सह सानन्दं पाठशालां दिने दिने |

संप्राप्य पठति स्मायं श्रद्धया बालकोपि हि ||

विरामकाले संप्राप्ते दशरात्रं कदाचन |

प्रतस्थिरे च सानन्दं बालका भगिनीगृहम् ||

तदा प्रयागदासोपि परमानन्दसंयुतः |

पितामहीमुपागत्य पप्रच्छ प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

In Mithila, there was a young boy of five years, named Mama Prayagadasa who was parentless, and was under the care of his grandmother. He was endowed with noble qualities a pure heart and innocence. He had lot his father and mother. He had no sister or brother. He was brought up by his affectionate grandmother. Daily, he used to go to school with his friends, and learn the lessons very enthusiastically. Once, when they had a vacation of ten days, all the small boys went to the houses of their sisters. At that time, Prayagadasa went to his grandmother with great expectations, and said to her very enthusiastically the following.