Vaishnava Samhita. Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 12 - 17

Maama Prayagadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 12 - 17

प्रयागदास उवाच

सर्वे वयस्याः सानन्दं गच्छन्ति भगिनीगृहम् |

अहञ्च गन्तुमिच्छामि भवनं तु मम स्वसुः ||

कस्मिन् ग्रामे वर्तते सा भगिनी मे पतिव्रता |

द्रष्टुमिच्छामि तामेव शीघ्रं वद पितामहि ||


बालकस्य प्रेमभावं परमञ्च कुतूहलम् |

विलोक्य सान्त्वानायैवमुवाच च पितामही ||


तवापि ज्येष्ठभगिनी वर्तते हि पतिव्रता |

अयोध्यायां भर्तृगृहे कुर्वन्ती पतिसेवनम् ||

सीतां ते भगिनी विद्धि रामचन्द्रञ्च तत्पतिम् |

त्वयि प्रेमभरौ तौ हि जगनानन्दकारकौ ||

प्रयागदास उवाच

एवञ्चेत् क्षिप्रमेव त्वं भक्ष्यं देहि पितमहि |

तदुपादाय सहसा साकेतं प्राप्नुयामहम् ||

Prayagadasa said

Oh, grandma! All my friends are leaving to their sisters' houses joyfully. I too want to go to my sister's house. In which village does my sister live ? I want to meet her as early as possible.

Shri Sadguru said

Noticing the affection and interest of the child, his grandmother wanted to pacify him. Hence she said as follows;

The old lady said

My child! You too have a sister. She is in Ayodhya. There, she lives with her husband, serving him. Her name is Sita. Her husband's name is Ramachandra. Those two who spread happiness in the whole world, have intense love for you.

Prayagadasa said

Grandma! If it is so, you please prepare some sweets soon. I shall take them with me, and go to Ayodhya.