Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 17 - 20
एतदाकर्ण्य राजा तु धानीष इति विश्रुतः |
बबन्ध रामदासं तं क्रुद्धः कारागृहे बत ||
तदा तु रामदासस्तु रामदर्शनकातरः |
तुष्टाव बहुधा रामं जानकीञ्चापि वैष्णवः ||
सहसैव कृपासिन्धुः सीतयापि प्रचोदितः |
रात्रौ यवराजस्य प्रददौ दिव्यदर्शनम् ||
तदा तु म्लेच्छराजेपि दर्शनानन्दविभ्रमे |
मेघगम्भीरवाक्येन बभाषे भगवान् हरिः ||
When Danish, the king came to know of these, he became infuriated and imprisoned Shri Ramadasa. All the time, Shri Ramadasa was yearning to receive the darshan of Shri Rama. He went on offering prayers to Devi Sita and Lord Rama in many ways. Induced by Sita Devi, compassionate Shri Rama gave darshan to the king immediately in the night. The king was enchanted by the exquisite darshan and was under the spell of that ecstasy. At that moment, in a thundering majestic voice, Shri Bhagavan started speaking.