Vaishnava Samhita. Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 21 - 23

Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 21 - 23


अहं श्रीरामदासस्य तव दानपतेर्न्रुप |

सचिवोस्मि च नाम्नाहं श्रीरामो लक्ष्मणो ह्ययम् ||

आवामस्मत्प्रभुं ह्रद्य रामदासं महामतिम् |

ऋणाद्विमोक्तुमत्रैवमागतौ हि निशान्तरे ||

दातव्यामेतत्सकलं धनं स्वीकुरु पार्थिव |

अपेक्षसे यद्यधिकं प्रच्छावस्तदद्य ते ||

Shri Bhagavan said

I am the servant of your tehsildar Ramadasa. My name is Rama. The one accompanying Me is Lakshmana. We have come here at this depth of night to free our master, the wise Ramadasa, from his indebtedness. Oh! King! Now take the entire sum due to you. We are ready to give in excess of that too.