Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Arana Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 14 Shlokas 8 - 13

Shri Arana Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 14 Shlokas 8 - 13

कुरुनार्यस्तथान्योयं कथाप्रवचनान्तरे |

गोपीभावं प्रशंसन्ति प्रासादशिखरस्थिताः ||

तथा साक्षात्स्वयं कृष्णो बाष्परोमाञ्चसंयुतः |

सन्ततं भक्तमध्यस्थो गोपीभावं प्रशंसति ||

एवं साधुजनैः सर्वैर्गोपीभावं प्रशंसितम् |

अवजानन्ति मूढास्तु कामचेष्टापरायणाः ||

तेषां कामविमुग्धानामपि कृष्णः कृपानिधिः |

ददातु विमलां बुद्धिमव्याजकृपया हरिः ||

जयदेवादयो भक्ताः पॊर्वमुत्तरभारते |

भक्तिं प्रकटयामासुर्माधुर्यरूपिणीम् ||

भक्तिं दक्षिणदेशेपि श्रीकृष्णरतिरूपिणीम् |

अरणः सद्गुरुश्रेष्ठः पोषयामास निर्मलाम् ||

The Kaurava ladies, when they were sitting close on the terrace and went on chatting pleasantly, praised Gopi prem. In the same way, Lord Krishna Himself with tears in his eyes, and His hairs standing on one end in excitement, praises Gopi poem in the midst of His bhaktas. Gopi poem that is held in high esteem by all the great people is looked down upon by those fools who are interested in sense cravings. Let compassionate Lord Krishna, the purifier of all sins, bless such lustful people with wisdom due to His bountiful causeless mercy. Long ago in North India, many bhaktas like Jayadeva spread the glorious Bhakti full of luscious sweetness. In the same way in South India, the greatest of the Sadgurus Shri Arana cultivated pious prima Bhakti towards Shri Krishna