Shri Arana Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 14 Shlokas 14 - 26
आसीत्पूर्वं चेन्नपुर्यामरणो नाम वैष्णवः |
तेजस्वी सुन्दराकारः कमलाक्षः स्मिताननः ||
सर्वशास्त्रार्थसारज्ञः सर्वभाषाविशारदः |
अमानी मानदो धीरः शान्तो लोकविलक्षणः |
गार्हस्थ्यधर्मनिरतः सदा सन्तुष्टमानसः |
विशालहृदयो भक्तो बालभावेन संयुतः ||
श्रीकृष्णकीर्तनञ्चक्रे सदा सज्जनसेवितः |
वल्लवीभावसंयुक्तो गोविन्दे व्रजनन्दने ||
कृष्णस्मरणमग्नेsस्मिन्निसहायां वैष्णवोत्तमे |
आवीरासीत्प्रियसखी देवी चम्पकवल्लरी ||
दिव्यसौन्दर्यसंयुक्तां दिव्यमालयानुलेपिनाम् |
दिव्यज्योतिर्मयीं देवीं दिव्याभरणभूषिताम् ||
दृष्ट्वा राधासखीं सद्यः परमानन्दविस्मितः |
ससंभ्रमं समुत्थाय ननाम विहिताञ्जलिः ||
अरणं प्रेमभावेन पुलकीकृतविग्रहम् |
देवी चम्पकवल्ली च सानन्दं परिषस्वजे ||
जगज्जनन्यास्तस्यास्तु परिष्वङ्गेण केवलम् |
वल्लवीरूपमात्मानं ददर्श रसिकोत्तमः ||
राधेकृष्णेति मन्त्रञ्च देवी चम्पकवल्लरी |
प्रददावरणायास्मै प्रेमपूर्णाय सादरम् ||
एवामव्याजकृपया पोषितो वैष्णवोत्तमः |
कृष्णप्रेमरसाम्भोधौ निमग्नो मूर्च्छितोsभवत् ||
अन्तर्दधे तथा देवी कटाक्षञ्च विधाय सा |
प्रग्यामवाप सहसा भक्तश्रेष्ठो महामतिः ||
तदापरभृति भक्तोsयं गोपीभावेन संयुतः |
विवेद सर्व वैचित्र्यं कृष्णप्रेमरसस्य तु ||
Arana, the great vaishnava was living in Madras. He was guileless as a child. He was broad-minded and was always having a happy disposition. He was a householder and yet not a man of the usual stream of life. he was very courageous, calm, unassuming and always had a keen eye on respecting others duly. He was a linguist and a master of all Shastras. He always used to put on a pleasant countenance. His eyes were like beautiful lotus flowers and his personality very majestic and lustrous. he had intense love for Lord Krishna like a gopi. All the time, he was engaged in Krishna kirtan along with sadhus. One night, when he was immersed in Krishna dhyana, Champakavalli Shri Krishna's consort emerged before him. Overjoyed and excited at the sight of Goddess Champakavalli, the mate of Radha, Arana stood up with folded hands. He was excited to see the divine beauty of the Devi. She was adorned with fragrant sandal paste and garlands and was decorated with exquisite fragrant sandal paste and garlands and was decorated with exquisite ornaments. She appeared as the very embodiment of light. Goddess Champakavalli, with all affection, embraced Arana who was excited with prem. In the divine embrace of the Devi, the Jaganmata, (mother of the world), Arana felt as if he were a hopi. With great affection Devi Champakavalli blessed Arana with the holy mantra of Lord Radhakrishna. Blessed with such inexplicable divine mercy, Arana fainted himself into the Ocean of divine love. Thus blessing him, the Devi disappeared. Immediately, Arana, the great gnani and Bhakti regained his consciousness. From that day, the Bhakti realized the varied mysterious ways of practicing Krishna prem like a gopi.