Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 17 Shlokas 19 - 26
श्रीगोपालदेशिक उवाच
प्रतिज्ञा तव गोविन्द न मे भक्तः प्रणश्यति |
इति संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य प्राणान् संधारयाम्यहम् ||
श्रीनिवास दयासिन्धो भक्तं मां सान्त्वय प्रभो |
सत्यं वदामि गोविन्द त्वमेव शरणं मम ||
यथाग्नौ पतितः कीटो दुःखं प्राप्नोति दुःसहम् |
तथाहमस्मिंल्लोकेपि दुःखितोस्मि विना त्वया ||
न गमिष्यामि भवनं त्वामनालोक्य केशव |
मरणं जीवनं वास्तु सङ्कल्पेन तवैव मे ||
गोपालदेशिकक्ष्चैवं प्रलपन् मूर्च्छितोsभवत् |
निशान्तरे वने तस्मिन् हरिदासोsप्यनाथवत् ||
तदैव करुणासिन्धुर्वेङ्कतेशः श्रियः पतिः |
भक्तस्य कस्यचित्स्वप्नेप्याविर्भूय जगाद च ||
अस्मिन्निशान्तरे घोरे वने चास्मिंक्ष्च मन्टपे |
अत्यन्तप्रेमभक्तो मे कक्ष्चिदस्ति विमूर्च्छितः ||
तमानीय महात्मानं प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मदम् |
सान्त्वय क्षिप्रमेव त्वं श्रद्धया च ममाज्ञया ||
Shri Gopala Deshika prayed
Govinda! You have taken a vow not to let Your bhaktas get destroyed and not to allow their lives to go waste. Encouraged by that I continue to be alive. Oh! The gracious! Oh! My Lord! Shrinivasa! Govinda! Please give me solace. I promise I surrender to You. I have no other refuge. Insufferable is Your separation. I wallow like a worm fallen into fire. Oh! Keshava! I will not go home without getting Your darshan. Let me die or be alive as Your gracious Self decide.
Shri Sadguru said
Amidst the deep woods, that night the great harissa, Gopala Deshika was lamenting like this, left all alone. Finally, he became unconscious and was lying there uncared for. At that time, Lord Venkatesha, the ocean of compassion and the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi, appeared in the dreams of one of His bhaktas and spoke as follows.
Shri Bhagavan said
In this depth of night, one of my loving devotees is lying unconscious in a mandala in the forest. He has fainted due to perm Bhakti. Obeying My command, go immediately, bring that mahatma to your place and console him.